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Shoes For Athletes, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, will assist to organize, set up, market, collect and distribute new and used athletic shoes from children schools through shoe drives enlisting the help from students, friends, neighbors and school administrators and coaches. Collected shoes will be organized, sorted and delivered to needy schools, missions and facilities in the local areas. This collecting, sorting , and distribution process will be accomplished through the good will of caring friends, neighbors and local service groups such as Los Hermanos, Vistas, etc. to perform these tasks. Students will ultimately be collecting athletic shoes through shoe drives and distributing such shoes to other less fortunate students and athletes to encourage and enhance their experience in sports for a healthy life style and future. 

Board Members

Brett Jordan

Founder & Co-President

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Makenzie Jordan

Founder & Co-President

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Madeline Jordan


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Taira Jordan


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Our Mission

Our Mission

To provide athletic shoes for the less fortunate in an effort to encourage and enhance their experience in sports.

Our Vision

We are here to help kids and their families with the burden of purchasing athletic shoes in order to better their child's life and the life of the child that leads the campaign through empathy and a sense of community.

We believe kids helping kids will make the world a better place.

Get Involved Today!

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